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Biker Scout Figures chasing Paploo

Kenner Biker Scout Action Figure: Overview

Kenner Biker Scout Figure closeup

The Kenner Biker Scout action figure was really sleek and cool, even if the actual characters in The Return of the Jedi did spend most of their time running around like headless chickens and crashing into trees. What we get on Endor is almost a Biker Scout pantomime - 'look behind yoooou!' As the first Imperial victims of Ewok trickery the Biker Scouts effectively set the scene for just how inept a platoon of Imperial Stormtroopers is going to be in the forest terrain. Sending a platoon of Stormtroopers to Endor is a bit like sending 1960s Daleks to attack a tall building without an escalator.

Find Vintage Biker Scout action figure on eBay

Unlike the Clone Troops of Episode III the Biker Scouts and Stormtroopers don't even have camouflage fatigues and they stand out like a Wookiee at a Jawas' only birthday party. At least when Darth Vader's landing force went to Hoth his troops were dressed for the occasion even though they had no idea beforehand that they'd be turning up on an ice planet. Obviously it never occurred to Imperial High Command that if they were going to build a Death Star next to a forest moon, they'd better bring along some appropriate apparel. Admiral Ozzel may have come out of hyperspace too quickly, but at least General Veers' troops weren't dressed in Hawaiian Shirts and flip flops when they landed on Hoth.

Anyway, enough of my transgression, the black and white Biker Scouts looked sleek and dangerous even if in practice they were pretty comical buffoons who would've fared better on tricycles than on speeder bikes. The speeder bike chase scenes were breathtakingly good (as first seen by myself on a preview shown on Good Morning Britain before the release of the film), but the Biker Scouts themselves never seem to know which way they're going or which way to look. It could only have been more comical if the Ewoks had learnt the art of making custard pies and the speeder bikes had clown horns on the handlebars.

The Kenner Biker Scout blaster in the photo below is a reproduction.

Bike Scouts with Speeder Bike Biker Scout Figure on Speeder Bike

All Star Wars action figures, vehicles, collectibles and Star Wars toys shown on this website are the 3.75 inch scale and from my own private Star Wars collection unless otherwise stated. Where possible original vintage accessories have been used but in some instances I have placed Kenner Star Wars figures with either reproduction weapons and accessories or for Hasbro figures close approximations have been used. This is mostly the case for modern Star Wars lightsabers where the correct item can be very difficult to identify on some ocassions. Vintage Star Wars action figures are shown with their original weapon or accessory when I have them. When a vintage Kenner action figure is shown with an accessory which is not original I have tried to point this out where possible.

All of the Star Wars action figures shown were purchased second hand, usually incomplete, and in bulk. They have been reunited with their original weapons and accessories where we could get hold of them.

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All opinions expressed are those of the author and not those of LucasFilm, Disney, Kenner or Hasbro toys. All Trademarks are the property of their respective owners.

© The Unofficial Culture and Cult of Star Wars 2020



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