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Yoda with Chian Figure and Hover Chair (Padawan Lightsaber Training) - Saga Series, 2003 Action Figure Star Wars...

Yoda with Chian Figure and Hover Chair Padawan Lightsaber Training

Yoda with Chian and Hover Chair Action Figure: Overview

Yoda Figure Padawan Lightsaber Training Saga Series

I had the chair for this Saga Series Yoda (Padawan Lightsaber Training) figure for almost two years before I managed to pick up the action figure itself. Yoda taking Jedi seminars in which he educates the young Padawans makes for quite a niche figure. I don't have the Chian action figure which comes with Yoda so he is photographed here with the padawans Ashla and Jempa.

Find Yoda with Chian and Hover Chair action figure on eBay

This Saga Series Yoda figure was later recycled for the Saga Collection Jedi Versus Sith Battle Pack.

Since this Yoda is meant to sit on his floating chair he gets away with quite old fashioned leg articulation which is slightly reminiscent of Lego. There are also no holes in his feet for a figure stand. Unfortunately, my copy of this Padawan Lightsaber Training Yoda has had his legs glued together so he has no lower body articulation and rather annoyingly is unable to sit on the hover chair.

The Yoda figure's robes fit nicely around the hover chair and he has a great contemplative look to him. Now just where is Obi-Wan's missing planet - behind the sofa perhaps? See my article on Obi-Wan Kenobi's missing planets here (Movie Parallels Between Star Wars Episodes II and IV - Obi-Wan Kenobi's Missing Planets).

Other Saga Series Action Figures

All Star Wars action figures, vehicles, collectibles and Star Wars toys shown on this website are the 3.75 inch scale and from my own private Star Wars collection unless otherwise stated. Where possible original vintage accessories have been used but in some instances I have placed Kenner Star Wars figures with either reproduction weapons and accessories or for Hasbro figures close approximations have been used. This is mostly the case for modern Star Wars lightsabers where the correct item can be very difficult to identify on some ocassions. Vintage Star Wars action figures are shown with their original weapon or accessory when I have them. When a vintage Kenner action figure is shown with an accessory which is not original I have tried to point this out where possible.

All of the Star Wars action figures shown were purchased second hand, usually incomplete, and in bulk. They have been reunited with their original weapons and accessories where we could get hold of them.

Kenner Figures | Power of the Force Figures | Episode 1 Collection Figures | Power of the Jedi Figures | Saga Series Figures | Disney Star Tours Figures | Original Trilogy Collection Figures | Revenge of the Sith Collection Figures | Saga Collection Figures | 30th Anniversary Collection Figures | Clone Wars Collection Figures | Vintage Collection Figures | Legacy Collection Figures | Saga Legends Figures | Black Series Figures

All opinions expressed are those of the author and not those of LucasFilm, Disney, Kenner or Hasbro toys. All Trademarks are the property of their respective owners.

© The Unofficial Culture and Cult of Star Wars 2020



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