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The Attack of the Clones - What Jango Fett knows...

Obi-Wan Kenobi and Jango Fett on the Kamino Landing Platform

In the Attack of the Clones Jango Fett is very much in the loop when it comes to Sidious and Count Dooku's plans. He knows of both armies before anyone except the Sith, being both the genetic blueprint for the Clone Army on Kamino and also knowing the location of the Separatists on Geonosis and the Battle Droid factory there. Also, when he was recruited 10 years earlier he was recruited by Dooku who used his Sith name of Tyrannus so we can assume that Fett knows that he is doing business with the Sith. In short, he is aware of just about everything which for the Jedi is clouded by the Dark Side.

As such, we have to ask whether he knowingly lures Obi-Wan Kenobi to Kamino by executing Zam Wesell with a Kamino dart. He has a wealth of his own Mandalorian weaponry so Jango Fett is presumably leaving a trail of bread crumbs for the Jedi to follow and is doing so deliberately. As such it seems probable that he also deliberately lures Obi-Wan to Geonosis afterwards and is only putting on a very good show of trying to finish Obi-Wan off both on the Kamino landing platform and also the battle in the asteroid field. For Sidious's plan to set the two sides against each other and initiate the Clone Wars Fett has to somehow get Obi-Wan both to Kamino and then to Geonosis so we can only assume Fett knows what he's doing. Jango's reason to leave Kamino can only have been because he wanted Obi-Wan to follow him. He had no other reason to leave so suddenly. Otherwise he could have left after the Jedi Knight had gone much more easily or he could have just simply stayed on Kamino.

If Obi-Wan hadn't gone on this journey, then the Clone Wars could not have been precipitated, and with a little speculation we can see how Palpatine brings about this course of events. We start with the first assassination attempt upon Padmé on the Coruscant landing platform. We can assume that Palpatine knows that this attempt will be unsuccessful since he knows that Padmé uses decoys. This event however is used to create the opportunity to bring in Obi-Wan to protect Padmé at Palpatine's suggestion ('an old friend perhaps such as Master Kenobi'). Once Obi-Wan is in place, then it's time for the second assassination attempt which will leave behind the clue (the Kamino dart) which will set Obi-Wan off on his journey to discover both armies and bring them together for the first battle in the ensuing war. Jango Fett is used as both the lure and the bait to lead Obi-Wan to be the unwitting catalyst for the Clone Wars.

All Star Wars action figures, vehicles, collectibles and Star Wars toys shown on this website are the 3.75 inch scale and from my own private Star Wars collection unless otherwise stated. Where possible original vintage accessories have been used but in some instances I have placed Kenner Star Wars figures with either reproduction weapons and accessories or for Hasbro figures close approximations have been used. This is mostly the case for modern Star Wars lightsabers where the correct item can be very difficult to identify on some ocassions. Vintage Star Wars action figures are shown with their original weapon or accessory when I have them. When a vintage Kenner action figure is shown with an accessory which is not original I have tried to point this out where possible.

All of the Star Wars action figures shown were purchased second hand, usually incomplete, and in bulk. They have been reunited with their original weapons and accessories where we could get hold of them.

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All opinions expressed are those of the author and not those of LucasFilm, Disney, Kenner or Hasbro toys. All Trademarks are the property of their respective owners.

© The Unofficial Culture and Cult of Star Wars 2020



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