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AT-ST (All Terrain Scout Transport) Scout Walker: Overview

vintage Kenner Scout Walker rear

In principle the Return of the Jedi Kenner AT-ST (All Terrain Scout Transport), or Scout Walker (AKA Chicken Walker), was an excellent toy; a great accompaniment to an AT-AT with great detail and an item that felt like it had come directly from the movie. Then came the despair that the Scout Walker would never stay stood up for more than five minutes without toppling down on all your carefully arranged action figures, ruining the scene and sending precious accessories flying across the room. Next came the inevitable search on hands and knees for that practically invisible dark blue translucent gun before it got left to be gobbled up by the vacuum cleaner. To add to the frustration the AT-ST Driver was one of those Star Wars action figures that suffered badly from paint loss. Its black nose, scuffed feet and hands, left it often sat in a cupboard accompanied by Ben Kenobi with receding hair line and balding Bespin Han Solo with his inky blue hands that made him look like his Biro had leaked. Quality control at the various Kenner factories was sometimes patchy at best.

Find AT-ST Scout Walker on eBay

Even today my display AT-ST Scout Walker often sits on its side, with a particularly ropey AT-ST Driver hanging out of it being overrun with Ewoks. I just plain gave up trying to make the thing stand on two legs. The television advertisement for the Scout Walker had shown it being made to walk by pressing down the round button to the rear of the hull, but in reality you spent an awful lot of time pressing this button to try to even out the Scout Walker's legs so that it would stay stood up.

The Empire had so many scouts on Endor, between Biker Scouts and All Terrain Scout Transports (which presumably also carried scouts, or at least drivers of scout vehicles), that you can imagine they are there on a camping weekend trying to earn their wilderness survival, wood carving and cookery badges.

vintage Kenner Scout Walker side

Perhaps the worst feature of the AT-ST Scout Walker was the Stand/Walk sticker on the back. I really didn't want something written in English ruining the aesthetic of the forest moon of an alien world. Not to mention that the Stand/Walk feature really didn't seem to work very well.

As a point of interest the Kenner Scout Walker first hit the shops in the USA a whole two years before The Return of the Jedi came out in the cinemas and was advertised on television alongside the Hoth Vehicle Maintenance Energiser. Us poor cousins across The Pond had to wait until The Return of the Jedi came out before we could get our hands on one of these. You can see the commercial on YouTube here.

The All-Terrain Scout Transport, seems to collectively have the most acronyms, synonyms and/or pseudonyms of any Star Wars vehicle, being abbreviated to AT-ST and colloquially known as both a Scout Walker and Chicken Walker.

The item most commonly missing on the Kenner Scout Walker is the top gun. It seems that the kids of the 1980s just couldn't resist pulling them out of their sockets like angry little Wookiees. I only recently found the top gun for my Kenner Scout Walker vehicle. It had been mixed in with a box of Star Wars Lego for at least the past 20 years and I'd forgotten I even had it. Finally my Scout Walker has been reunited with it's all important top gun.

vintage Kenner Scout Walker with top gun

Unfortunately, I didn't yet have the Nick Sant Biker Scout disguise figure before I put together the Shield Bunker capture scene below with the Scout Walker looming over the bunker.

vintage Kenner Scout Walker with Endor Shield Generator

All Star Wars action figures, vehicles, collectibles and Star Wars toys shown on this website are the 3.75 inch scale and from my own private Star Wars collection unless otherwise stated. Where possible original vintage accessories have been used but in some instances I have placed Kenner Star Wars figures with either reproduction weapons and accessories or for Hasbro figures close approximations have been used. This is mostly the case for modern Star Wars lightsabers where the correct item can be very difficult to identify on some ocassions. Vintage Star Wars action figures are shown with their original weapon or accessory when I have them. When a vintage Kenner action figure is shown with an accessory which is not original I have tried to point this out where possible.

All of the Star Wars action figures shown were purchased second hand, usually incomplete, and in bulk. They have been reunited with their original weapons and accessories where we could get hold of them.

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All opinions expressed are those of the author and not those of LucasFilm, Disney, Kenner or Hasbro toys. All Trademarks are the property of their respective owners.

© The Unofficial Culture and Cult of Star Wars 2020



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